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Recorded Online Conferences

Think of the Children! Navigating Difficult Parenting Matters in Family Law - recorded online conference

Hear from the experts at this online lunchtime conference. You can watch it on your computer or on your portable electronic device from anywhere.


About the Recorded Online Conference

You can put your staff in the boardroom and watch it there. You can watch it on your computer or on your portable electronic device. All for the same low price.

The conference will be based on our highly successful video webinar technology: there’ll be a chairperson, a panel of experts, presentations and discussion.

Session 1: Drafting and Enforcing Child Support Agreements

Parties are increasingly choosing to enter into child support agreements to allow more flexibility and control in how their child’s expenses will be met between them. However, getting the right child support agreement in place while navigating the procedural challenges can be difficult, particularly in light of recent reforms. This session sets out:

  • Is a child support agreement the best choice? – considering the alternatives of administrative assessments or departure orders;
  • Choosing the right type of child support agreement – binding or limited agreements;
  • Technicalities in relation to having the agreement accepted;
  • Practical guide as to what to include in the agreement;
  • Understanding the new reforms, including possible suspension or termination of a child support agreement;
  • The importance of being an eligible carer;
  • Grounds to set aside agreements;
  • Apportioning liabilities between children; and
  • Practicalities relating to enforcement of agreements.

Session 2: Covert Recordings by Parents: Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?

As we move into a faster, technology-driven age, the act of recording audio and video on one’s smartphone can be second nature to many. This practice is becoming more and more prevalent in a society which relies on such recordings as proof or evidence another’s bad behaviour. But can this evidence be used in Court and for what purpose? This session examines the role of recordings in parenting matters and considers:

  • What laws govern filming or recording of conversations without the knowledge or permission of the other person?
  • Are there criminal penalties?
  • When is an improperly obtained recording admissible as evidence in Family Court proceedings?
  • What are the Court’s key considerations?
  • Probative value versus prejudicial effect to the other party
  • Case law update

Session 3: New Family Dynamics and Parental Rights: The High Court Verdict Is In

Rainbow families come in a multitude of diverse family forms, with some arrangements involving a number of adults all claiming a parental interest in a child. With the High Court’s recent decision in Masson v Parsons casting a new light on the meaning of ‘parent’, it has never been more important for family lawyers to understand each party’s rights and obligations. This session looks at the key issues to consider when creating new family dynamics, including:

  • Who are the legal parents and why does it matter? Understanding the different variables in LGBTI families:
    • Supply of genetic material by one parent
    • Supply of genetic material by known versus unknown donors
    • The parental rights of de facto partners of donors
  • Use of statement of intentions and donor agreements to navigate the arrangements
  • Unpacking the High Court’s verdict in Masson v Parsons:
    • Does it challenge current interpretations of s 60H of the FLA?
    • Can a child now have more than two parents?
    • Is it possible to exclude donors from having a role as parent?
    • Relevance of ongoing involvement and relationship with the child

The Faculty

Kylie Howard, Consultant, Glezer Lanteri Associates, Melbourne (Chair person) John Spender, Partner and Accredited Family Law Specialist, Kennedy Partners, Melbourne Stephanie Hope, Senior Associate, Argent Law, Melbourne Bronwyn Montgomery, Lawyer, KHQ Lawyers, Melbourne

CPD Information

Lawyers can claim up to 3 CPD units/points – substantive law.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Event Coordinator, Hayley Williams—Cameron on (03) 8601 7730 or email: [email protected]

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