Powers of Attorney in Practice (NSW)
Online - Webinar
About the
College of Law Courses
This program is delivered by The Education Network partner - The College of Law.
In an ageing population, power of attorney applications are increasing in frequency. Both general and enduring powers of attorney have significant advantages for your client. It allows the appointed attorney authority to handle the applicant’s business, banking, real estate, insurance, investment, pension and gift transactions.
In this live webinar, you will be guided through critical information to understand the process, complexities, associated risks and dispute resolution methods when dealing with this substitute decision making instrument.
The expert facilitator is: Katelin Whitley, Principal, Bestic Law and Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates and Accredited Specialist in Property Law
9.00am: Login and welcome
9.05am: Preparation of powers of attorney
- Substitute decision-making instruments available to the client
- Scope of authority, conditions and limitations
- Appointing an appropriate attorney(s)
- Fiduciary duties owed by attorneys
9.35am: Mental capacity issues concerning the preparation of powers of attorney
- How to screen and assess mental capacity – the legal test
- Preventing abuse of powers of attorney
- Best practice
10.10am: Morning break
10.20am: Managing risks around powers of attorney
- Tips and traps when an attorney undertakes transactions
- Advising executors when there has been an active power of attorney
10.50am: Reviews by Guardianship Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Ground for review of powers of attorney
- Tribunal orders that may be made
11.15am: Close
CPD information
2 CPD units - professional skills