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CPD Power Packs

10 Point Victorian Property Law CPD Power Pack

About this Subscription

The Victorian Law CPD Power Pack range for Victorian property lawyers has been designed to enable you to complete all or part of your CPD by 31.3.25. The range will provide you with your CPD in the one place with easy access via login to our website. From there you will be able to view the recorded content and attend the live content.

The Victorian Property Law CPD Power Pack comprises both the recorded webinars and live webinars and will provide 10 CPD units.

Recorded Webinars

  1. Termination Vs Repudiation of a Contract for the Sale of Land – The Law Since Hong v Gui - Roland Taylor, Lawyer, Brisbane
  2. Reducing Consumer Risk in Builder Insolvencies – Daniel Teoh, Senior Associate, HFW Australia, Melbourne
  3. They Came from a Foreign Land: The Trials and Tribulations of FIRB and Foreign Ownership of Property - Eddie Leong, Special Counsel, Cornwalls Law + More, Brisbane
  4. GST and Real Property: The Key Essentials for Property Lawyers - Rachel O’Donnell, Principal, O’Donnell Tax Law, Melbourne
  5. Caveats: A Deep Dive into Their Use and Abuse - Vikram Misra, Barrister, Sydney

All of the above recorded webinars are available now for immediate viewing.

Live Online Webinars

  • The Times They Are (Always) A'changin: Victorian Land and Property Tax Update - Simon Tisher, Barrister at Law, Melbourne, Vic - Thursday 27/3/25 [10am to 11am] (1 unit substantive law)
  • Lock It In, Eddie: Options to Renew in Commercial and Retail Leases (Vic) - David McKenzie, AccS(Prop), Special Counsel, FCW Lawyers, Melbourne, Vic – Thursday 27/3/25 [11.15am to 12.15pm] 
  • 3 CPD Compulsory Topics for Lawyers – a national webinar for lawyers – Friday 28/3/25 – 2 to 5 pm (AEDT) – (1 unit professional skills, 1 unit practice management & business skills and 1 unit ethics) 

You will attend the above webinars live online at the times & dates specified above.

It couldn’t be easier!  


CPD Information

10 CPD units - 7 x substantive law units plus 1 unit each for ethics, professional skills and practice management & business skills


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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