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Recorded Webinars



Presented By

Richard McCullagh
Richard McCullagh, Public Service Solicitor, NSW and Author "Australian Elder Law", Thomson Reuters 2018, Lecturer in Elder Law, Gosford, NSW

Richard McCullagh has practised law since 1985, mostly on the Central Coast. He has specialised in elder law since 2012, and continues to do so. He taught Elder Law at the College of Law from 2013 to 2019 and does so at the University of Western Sydney since 2020. His textbook, Australian Elder Law, was published by Thomson Reuters in 2018. He is a past member of the NSW Law Society Elder Law, Capacity and Succession Committee and publishes articles from time to time in the Law Society Journal, amongst others. Richard is currently a government solicitor specialising in elder abuse.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for succession lawyers – Australia wide. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.

CPD Information

Lawyers can claim up to 1 CPD unit/point – substantive law. This webinar has been designed to run for 1 hour, however, webinar lengths can vary depending on the level of questions and discussion.

WA lawyers – Please note that TEN is unable to verify your completion of recorded webinars to the Legal Practice Board of WA. TEN is an accredited provider.

While TEN takes all reasonable care to include accurate and up-to-date information regarding CPD category classifications and compliance obligations, information regarding CPD point allocation are provided as a guide only. Allocation of CPD points is subject to the CPD requirements of your jurisdiction, personal circumstances and professional requirements. You are solely responsible for determining whether a particular product is appropriate for your CPD requirements.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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