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e-books & papers

Sixth Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference e-book

Navigating the legal landscape can be a daunting task for religious institutions. From governance and funding issues to employment law and safeguarding policies, the array of legal challenges can impede the mission and growth of religious organizations. TEN The Education Network’s



About the eBook

Navigating the legal landscape can be a daunting task for religious institutions. From governance and funding issues to employment law and safeguarding policies, the array of legal challenges can impede the mission and growth of religious organizations. TEN The Education Network’s 6th Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference is designed to empower leaders and administrators with the knowledge and tools they need to address these legal issues effectively. Learn from top legal professionals specializing in religious law, who will break down complex legal concepts into practical advice to help safeguard your institution's mission and assets. Conference sessions include an update on recent employment law reforms, responding to allegations against clergy, as well as sustainability planning for the future.

Workplace Issues in Religious Institutions

  • The Freedom to Discriminate? Navigating Australia’s Patchwork Quilt of Law Reforms
  • Closing Loopholes or Limiting Opportunities? Update on Recent Employment Law Reforms
  • Taking a Risk Management Approach to Mental Health in Religious Institutions

Safety and Liability Issues

  • Responding to Allegations against Clergy: A Guide to Best Practices
  • Assessing the National Redress Scheme: Lessons Learned and Strategies for Religious Institutions

Legislative Reform and Future Planning

  • Vicarious Liability for Acts Outside an Employer/Employee Relationship
  • The Future of Regulation of Religious Organisations in Australia
  • To be (benevolent), or not to be (benevolent)? The Impact of the revised Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement for Faith-based PBIs
  • The Declining Church: Sustainably Planning for the Future

The Faculty

Murray Baird, Principal Murray Baird Advisory and Consultant Prolegis Lawyers, Melbourne

Sonya Parsons, Partner - NFPs, Human Rights & Social Impact, Mills Oakley, Sydney

Adam Foster, Partner, Colin Biggers & Paisley, Melbourne

Adrian Barwick, Solicitor Director, WilliamsonBarwick, Sydney

Tim Whincop, Director, Vocare Law, Sydney, NSW

Rebecca Lambert-Smith, Practice Leader, Moores, Melbourne

Luke Geary, Partner, Mills Oakley, Brisbane

Dr Matthew Turnour, Chairman, Neumann & Turnour Lawyers, Brisbane

Dr Mark Fowler, Principal, Fowler Charity Law, Sydney

Nicole Shenfield, Director, Paxton-Hall Lawyers, Brisbane

Hudson Digby, Senior Associate, Mills Oakley, Sydney



If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Event Manager, Jenna Pickrell, on (03) 8601 7729 or email: [email protected]

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