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Individual Podcasts

Capital Gains Tax and Deceased Estates: The Final Tax Frontier

Due to the nature of capital gains tax calculations relating to historic records of acquisition dates and costs, the exercise can become extremely challenging when the person who acquired the assets is no longer around. This session focusses on capital gains tax and the issues app


About the Podcast

Due to the nature of capital gains tax calculations relating to historic records of acquisition dates and costs, the exercise can become extremely challenging when the person who acquired the assets is no longer around. This session focusses on capital gains tax and the issues applying to deceased estates, including:

  • Establishing the cost base of CGT assets left behind by the deceased
  • The tax implications of property:
    • passing from the deceased to the LPR
    • passing from the LPR to beneficiaries, including testamentary trusts (PSLA 2003/12)
    • sold by the LPR to a beneficiary
    • sold by a beneficiary
  • Can a beneficiary be subject to tax on CGT assets sold by the LPR (TD 2004/3)
  • The CGT treatment of the deceased’s main residence
  • CGT and the impact of residency status of the deceased, the LPR and the beneficiaries
  • Strategies for minimising CGT and streamlining the record keeping duties, including:
    • the CGT asset register (TR  2002/10)
  • Practical examples

Presented By

Matthew Burgess
Director, View Legal Australia,

Matthew Burgess co-founded specialist firm View Legal in 2014, having been a lawyer and partner of one of Australia’s leading independent law firms for over 17 years. Matthew’s passion is helping clients successfully achieve their goals.

Matthew specialises in holistic estate planning (including trusts, tax, asset protection, structuring, business succession and superannuation). 

He has been recognised for many years in the ‘Best Lawyers’ list in relation to trusts and estates, and wealth management/succession planning and either personally or as part of View in Doyles’ in relation to taxation, and wills, estates and succession planning.

CPD Information

0.5 CPD hours/units


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us, on (03) 8601 7700 or email: [email protected]

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