Individual Podcasts
Death Benefits: BDBNs or Retain Trustee Discretion?
The decision on whether to make binding death benefit nominations or not involves a range of factors that must be considered carefully. This session examines the options that are available by reference to recent cases, case studies and practical experience, and explores when advis
About the Podcast
The decision on whether to make binding death benefit nominations or not involves a range of factors that must be considered carefully. This session examines the options that are available by reference to recent cases, case studies and practical experience, and explores when advisers and members should make a binding death benefit nomination, or when reliance on the trustee’s discretion is preferable.
Featuring: Laura Hanrahan, Holding Redlich, Brisbane
[33.58 minutes] [0.65 CPD hours]
Presented By
Laura Hanrahan
HopgoodGanim LawyersCPD Information
0.01 CPD Hours