Individual Podcasts
GST Clauses in Property Contracts: Getting It Right
There have been many GST cases but by far the largest group are disputes over GST clauses. Getting them right is always harder than it seems: so often the parties either ignore the clause or they don’t even think about GST, and then trouble ensues. This podcast examines the key is
About the Podcast
There have been many GST cases but by far the largest group are disputes over GST clauses. Getting them right is always harder than it seems: so often the parties either ignore the clause or they don’t even think about GST, and then trouble ensues. This podcast examines the key issues in the light of the wealth of decided cases.
Featuring: Chris Tang, MinterEllison, Sydney
33 minutes / 0.5 CPD hours/units
Presented By
Chris Tang
MinterEllisonCPD Information
0.55 CPD Hours