Individual Podcasts
The Definition of a Death Benefit Dependant: Are You Talking Tax or Super?
Whether there is tax payable on a death benefit payment from a superannuation fund depends on whether or not the recipient is a death benefit dependant. The tax difference can be significant and the Tax Office has been kept busy ruling on the various scenarios put to them. This po
About the Podcast
Whether there is tax payable on a death benefit payment from a superannuation fund depends on whether or not the recipient is a death benefit dependant. The tax difference can be significant and the Tax Office has been kept busy ruling on the various scenarios put to them. This podcast aims to assist your understanding of what sometimes can be subtle differences in situations with major tax implications.
Featuring: Laura Hanrahan, Holding Redlich, Brisbane
20 minutes / 0.3 CPD units
Presented By
Laura Hanrahan
HopgoodGanim LawyersCPD Information
0.33 CPD Hours