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Individual Podcasts

Super-Size Me: Superannuation Splitting and Family Law

Often one of the biggest assets in the property pool, superannuation has become an essential component in property settlements. This session will examine some of the increasingly complex issues in consideration and splitting of superannuation between the parties, including: Acc


About the Podcast

Often one of the biggest assets in the property pool, superannuation has become an essential component in property settlements. This session will examine some of the increasingly complex issues in consideration and splitting of superannuation between the parties, including:

  • Accessing superannuation details – recent reforms
  • Practical and financial consequences of splitting super – is there a better way?
  • Checking the fund rules – what to look for
  • Joining the trustee to family court proceedings
  • Managing super splitting involving multiple member funds
  • Specific issues concerning SMSFs, defined benefit schemes, military pensions and other less common situations
  • Recent cases

Presented By

Jacky Campbell
Partner & Accredited Family Law Specialist, Forte Family Lawyers Melbourne, Vic

Jacky Campbell is a founding partner of Forte Family Lawyers and has practised as a lawyer specialising in family law for more than 30 years. Jacky is recognised as a Leading Family Lawyer in Melbourne by Doyle’s Guide to the Australian Legal Market. Jacky is annually recognised as a Leading Family and Divorce Lawyer, a Leading Family Lawyer (High-Value & Complex Property Matters) and a Leading Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyer.

Jacky has a Masters degree in Family Law having written her thesis on the relationship of family law and bankruptcy.

Jacky received the Law Institute of Victoria Rogers Legal Writing Award 2004 — for the article “Splitting the Super … and Selling the Home”.

Jacky is the consultant editor of Wolters Kluwer/CCH Australian Family Law and Practice and contributing author to Wolters Kluwer/CCH Australian Family Law and Practice to the Property, Spousal Maintenance, Financial Agreements, Maintenance Agreements, Procedure and Precedents tabs. She writes several chapters of the Wolters Kluwer/CCH Australian Master Family Law Guide, including the superannuation chapter and is the author of the family law chapters in the Wolters Kluwer/CCH Australian Master Superannuation Guide and the Wolters Kluwer Australian Family Law & Practice.

Jacky is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and an Associate of the American Bar Association.

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