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I Fought the Law and … I Won? - Contravention Applications in the FCFCOA

The enforcement of parenting orders has always been problematic in family law. Despite the rule in Rice v Asplund, it is common for contravention proceedings to be treated by some parties as an attempt to relitigate and there is a perception that this trend has increased following


About the Podcast

The enforcement of parenting orders has always been problematic in family law. Despite the rule in Rice v Asplund, it is common for contravention proceedings to be treated by some parties as an attempt to relitigate and there is a perception that this trend has increased following, and may be facilitated by, the new approach to contraventions in the FCFCoA. This session will take a deeper dive into these issues, including:

  • The new contraventions list and related court procedures under the new FCFCoA and different approaches to managing such matters across registries
  • The current status of the principle in Rice v Asplund and whether that principle remains good law and/or has a place in the current court practice and procedure
  • How to manage ‘repeat offenders’ and how they may be dealt with by the court in the first and subsequent contravention proceedings
  • Guidance and tips for practitioners when faced with this scenario

Presented By

Richard Galloway
Barrister, Una Prentice Chambers Brisbane, QLD

Richard is a long standing member of the Queensland Bar. After obtaining his BA, LLB from the University of Queensland and spending a year as associate to a Justice of the Supreme Court, Richard was in general litigation practice before moving principally to family and relationship law. As a leading practitioner Richard has a wealth of experience representing parties in litigation.

Trials and appeals can be long, hard and the law often complex. Richard brings care, experience and knowledge to matters in which he is briefed. He aims to distill any dispute to its essential parts, going to trial with clarity, purpose and strength.

Richard also has an extensive opinion and advice practice and frequently presents papers on various aspects of the law at symposia, conferences and seminars.

CPD Information

0.5 CPD units


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