Complex Issues in Family Law Property Matters - a recorded lunchtime online conference
Hear from the experts at this online lunchtime conference. You can watch it on your computer or on your portable electronic device from anywhere.
About the Recorded Online Conference
Hear from the experts at this online conference. You can watch it on your computer or on your portable electronic device from anywhere.
The conference will be based on our highly successful video webinar technology: there'll be a chairperson and presentations.
One registration can be shared by colleagues within the same firm utilising the same login.
Session 1: Carving up the Asset Pool in Property Settlement Matters
An essential component of property division is identifying and valuing the asset pool. However, determining the size of the asset pool can be difficult, particularly where parties have interests in companies, family trusts and SMSFs. This session examines these difficult issues, including:
Identifying the relevant ownership structure
Navigating complex company and trust arrangements – can they be brought into the pool?
What if the party does not have a legal interest or entitlement in a trust but still receives a financial advantage – can the trust be attacked?
Identifying relevant interests in a business – either owned personally, or through any form of corporate entity, trust or partnership structure
Session 2: After it’s all Over – Counting the Cost of Contributions in Property Matters
The assessment of contributions remains a fraught area in family law, particularly when dealing with initial contributions, windfalls and post-separation contributions. This session assumes you know the basics and instead examines the more difficult aspects of assessing contributions, including:
Relevance of timing of contribution:
Value of initial contribution
Are later contributions given more weight?
What constitutes a post separation contribution and when do you have to disclose? Spotlight on:
Significant increases in income
Growth and development of assets
Treatment of windfalls and inheritances
Contributions and the role of comparable cases
Case law update
Session 3: Adjusting for Future Needs in Property Settlements: Time to Take Out the Crystal Ball?
One of the key steps in property settlements is to determine whether there are any special circumstances that require adjustment to the property settlement amount. Sounds simple in theory, but future needs adjustments are anything but an exact science. This session examines the Court’s latest approach to future needs and the more challenging scenarios that can arise. It covers:
What happens when the pool is insufficient to cater for future needs? Should the “clean break” principle still apply?
Impact of children on s 75(2) factors
Dealing with a high-income earner with very few assets
What if there is a significant disparity between the parties’ respective post-separation standards of living?
Future needs adjustments and addbacks post Trevi
Family violence – how is it taken into account in the future needs assessment?
Can and should you address future needs via spousal maintenance?
Future needs and double-dipping – what to watch out for
Update on recent cases
The Faculty
Kimberley Hunter, Director, Accredited Family Law Specialist, Clancy Triado, Melbourne (Chair) Kay Feeney, Director, Family Law Accredited Specialist, Feeney Family Law, Brisbane Paul Fildes, Principal, Taussig Cherrie Fildes Lawyers, Melbourne Joshua Williams, Associate, Accredited Specialist Family Law, Damien Greer Lawyers, Brisbane
CPD Information
Lawyers can claim up to 2.5 CPD units/points (substantive law).
If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Event Coordinator, Hayley Williams—Cameron on (03) 8601 7730 or email: [email protected]