NSW Criminal Lawyers – 3 CPD Compulsory Topic Programs
About the Webinar
This webinar set comprises 3 one-hour sessions covering each of the compulsory CPD subjects for NSW criminal lawyers for the CPD year ending 31 March 2022.
Session 1: Legal Ethics
Ethical Standards and Behaviour for Criminal Lawyers
Mistakes are inevitable in practice. When they occur, they immediately create a plethora of ethics issues, including what to tell the client and whether efforts to fix the mistake may transgress ethical boundaries. This session looks at the key issues from an ethics perspective, including:
- The mistake has been made – what next?
- Managing the divide between error prevention and error management in legal practice
- Ethics obligations on practitioners when a mistake has been made
- Is it worthwhile to make a distinction between honest mistakes and everything else?
- Gaining perspective on what has actually happened – seeking objective review
- Turning mistakes into opportunities for learning and development
- Avoiding the temptation for a quick fix – why this is important from an ethics perspective
- Developing strong policy guidelines to address the issue going forward
- Conducting a mistake audit on your systems and processes
Session 2: Professional Skills
Tips and Traps for Local Court Appearances
Appearing in the Local Court for an accused in a defended matter can be a challenging experience, but the key to success lies in preparation and an understanding of the process. This session provides a thorough guide to practitioners of key essentials in appearing in a matter in the Local Court, including:
- Considerations on whether or not to brief counsel
- Tips for preparing for a hearing without counsel
- What to look for in the particulars of charge and analysing the elements of the offence
- Tips for reading and assessing the brief of evidence and challenging the prosecution case
- What to do if further information is needed? Requisitions, requests and subpoenas
- A guide to contacting and communicating with the prosecutor, witnesses and the court
- Defence preparation including:
- when to use expert witnesses and exhibits
- defences
- sentencing recommendations
- closing address
- Advocacy essentials including evidence management, examination and cross-examination tips, managing delays
- Resources and preparation guides
Session 3: Practice Management Business Skills
Cyber Security: Managing Risk and Control in Your Legal Practice
No one wants to be the target of a cyber security attack. However, lawyers are particularly vulnerable and every practitioner has a professional obligation to be cyber safe. This session examines the key issues, including:
- Understanding your cyber security risk
- Why law firms are a constant target
- Some common threats explained and what practitioners should do to avoid a cyber attack when working from home
- Warning clients about cyber security risks
- Spotlight on work-from-home cyber security issues
- Key cyber security checklists from a firm audit perspective
- Consequences of a successful cyber-attack or data breach
- Case studies
Presented By
S Philippa Grant
Solicitor Director, MedcalfWho Should Attend?
This webinar is suitable for NSW Criminal lawyers and it has been designed to deliver the 3 compulsory subject units for t
CPD Information
units for the CPD year ending 31st March 2022.
Lawyers can claim 3 CPD units - 1 unit Ethics, 1 unit Professional Skill and 1 unit Practice Management Business Skills.
If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]