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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: The Art of Negotiation in Legal Practice (Professional Skills)

Practitioners understand the importance of negotiation, but how many truly understand the essential skill sets required to effectively carry it out? The session looks at the key issues, including: What is involved in effective negotiation on b


About the Webinar

Practitioners understand the importance of negotiation, but how many truly understand the essential skill sets required to effectively carry it out? The session looks at the key issues, including:

  • What is involved in effective negotiation on behalf of your clients?

  • Different categories of negotiation:

    • Structural
    • Strategic
    • Behavioural
    • Bilateral and multilateral negotiation
  • Preparing for negotiation – an essential checklist

  • Key skills in negotiation:

    • Preparing clients of negotiation

    • Finding common ground

    • Persuasion

    • Nature of offer in negotiation

  • Ethical duties in negotiation – professionalism in negotiation

  • Role of third parties in negotiation

  • What to do when the other side is unreasonable - when to walk away

  • Drafting terms of settlement that work

  • Case study – Role of supported negotiation

Presented By

Richard Galloway
Barrister, Una Prentice Chambers Brisbane, QLD

Richard is a long standing member of the Queensland Bar. After obtaining his BA, LLB from the University of Queensland and spending a year as associate to a Justice of the Supreme Court, Richard was in general litigation practice before moving principally to family and relationship law. As a leading practitioner Richard has a wealth of experience representing parties in litigation.

Trials and appeals can be long, hard and the law often complex. Richard brings care, experience and knowledge to matters in which he is briefed. He aims to distill any dispute to its essential parts, going to trial with clarity, purpose and strength.

Richard also has an extensive opinion and advice practice and frequently presents papers on various aspects of the law at symposia, conferences and seminars.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for lawyers - Australia wide and it has been designed to deliver the professional skills compulsory subject unit for th

CPD Information

unit for the CPD year ending 31st March 2020.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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