Tax Aspects of Restructuring and Selling the Business – a tax Power Pair of recorded webinars
About the Webinar
This Power Pair comprises 2 popular webinars from 2023. Each recorded webinar is one hour in length.
Webinar 1: Common Restructures and Rollovers versus Using the Small Business CGT Concessions
Restructures can be considered for a variety of reasons that include a business outgrowing its current structure, asset protection or enabling employee ownership in a business, just to name a few. This session looks at the options available when considering a restructure, as well as how they stack up against the alternative of using the small business CGT concessions, if eligible, including:
- What CGT rollover relief is available for changing from a:
- sole trader to a company
- partnership to a company
- trust to a company
- The requirements for each rollover option
- What are the CGT implications for transferor and transferee?
- CGT rollover relief available for an entity reorganizing its affairs to add a holding company to its structure and pros and cons of doing so
- The CGT small business restructure rollover:
- when can this be used?
- can a discretionary trust access this rollover?
- In what situations may it be more beneficial to use the small business CGT concessions?
- Case study
Webinar 2: Tax Consequences of Winding up the Business
As the saying goes “all good things must come to an end”. This session explores some of the options available to conclude the life cycle of a business with the aim of keeping as much surplus as possible in the hands of the business owners, including:
- Strategies to deal with debit shareholder loans
- What are the tax implications of ultimately paying out funds to shareholders that have benefited from the small business CGT:
- 15-year exemption
- 50% reduction
- rollover retirement exemption
- small business rollover
- When can a tax effective genuine redundancy payment be an option for the business owner? (TR 2009/2)
- The tax implications regarding the timing of:
- unused long service leave payments
- termination payments
- What are the tax implications of opting to voluntary liquidate a company? (TD 2001/27 & TD 95/10)
- How the franking account may be tapped into for tax effective dividend payments from retained profits over numerous years post business
- Case studies
This pair of recorded webinars would usually cost $539, but as part of the EOFY sale you can buy the pair for only $297 if you order by 30.6.24.
Presented By

Raffi Tenenbaum
Tax Director , William Buck Sydney, NSW
Mark Molesworth
Partner, BDO Brisbane, QLDWho Should Attend?
These webinars are suitable for accountants advising in taxation matters – Australia wide. These webinars are for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.
CPD Information
Accountants can claim up to 2 CPD hours.
If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]