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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: When No is Not Enough: Reaching the Limits of Student Discipline in Schools

Schools are increasingly having to deal with potentially serious disciplinary matters concerning their students, including bullying, physical assault and sexual violence. What can schools reasonably and legally do to in such circumstances to protect the school community? This sess


About the Webinar

Schools are increasingly having to deal with potentially serious disciplinary matters concerning their students, including bullying, physical assault and sexual violence. What can schools reasonably and legally do to in such circumstances to protect the school community? This session will provide a guide to behaviour management and potential solutions, including:

  • How the school’s duty of care intersects with school discipline
  • Discipline for misconduct beyond the school gate and out of hours
  • Tips for instigating, conducting and participating in internal and external investigations
    • procedural fairness
    • who should investigate
    • when to contact authorities including the police
    • school responses when a student has been arrested or charged with a criminal offence
  • When can enrolment be suspended or terminated?

Presented By

David Ford
Partner, Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers Sydney, NSW

David Ford is a partner at Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers. He practises mainly in commercial and education law. He has advised educational institutions throughout Australia for over 35 years.  David is:

  • A member of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association and a past
  • President of its NSW Chapter.
  • A member of the English, American and South African Education Law Associations.
  • A member of the Australasian Association of Workplace Investigators.
  • A member of the Editorial Board of the CCH School Principals Legal Guide.
  • The editor of Education Law Notes, which keep schools throughout Australia up-to-date with education law developments.
  • A reviewer for the International Journal of Law and Education.
  • A former Chair of the Council of MLC School, Sydney

David has presented at conferences in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Belgium, the Czech Republic, New Zealand and throughout Australia, and published numerous papers on topics as varied as school governance, the principal/board relationship, enrolment procedures and conditions; student rights; teachers’ liability; investigations; risk management; teachers, school counsellors and confidentiality; bullying (including cyber bullying); outdoor education; sport; multiculturalism in education; disability, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination; discipline; and child protection.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for senior executives from private and independent schools, around Australia, along with their advisors. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.

CPD Information

This webinar has been designed to run for 1 hour, however, webinar lengths can vary depending on the level of questions and discussion.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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