Allison has 30 years' experience as a lawyer and in business. With a commercial legal practice specialising in cyber and privacy, Allison advises clients in cyber security compliance, privacy and complex cross-border transactions. Having attained a PhD in electronic evidence, Allison maintains a niche expertise in all things digital including AI applications and crypto assets.
In her day-to-day practice, Allison acts for software and app vendors where she drafts and reviews T&Cs, privacy policies and advises on compliance issues. Previously, Allison worked in mid and top tier law firms and worked as a court registrar before setting up, a specialist e.evidence company, and which ran Australia’s first e.hearing and won an award for innovation.
Allison speaks regularly on the topic of electronic evidence and is a co-author of a chapter in the Fifth Edition of ‘Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures’, edited by Stephen Mason and Daniel Seng, published in 2021 and is also co-editor of Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review.