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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Consolidations, Restructures and Rollovers – Don't Forget the State and Territory Duties

There are a number of CGT concessions that can provide favourable tax outcomes, when it comes to restructuring and rollover arrangements. However, when those transactions involve property, the state and territory laws shouldn’t be overlooked to ensure there are no adverse or unint


About the Webinar

There are a number of CGT concessions that can provide favourable tax outcomes, when it comes to restructuring and rollover arrangements. However, when those transactions involve property, the state and territory laws shouldn’t be overlooked to ensure there are no adverse or unintended financial side effects that may surface in the process. This session explores the topic, including:

  • The various restructures and rollovers that can provide CGT rollover relief
  • How stamp duty implications can arise when the CGT rollover and restructure arrangements involve property
  • How the landholder duty rules apply to property which forms part of a restructure or rollover to a company or trust
  • Duty concessions available for certain corporate reconstruction and consolidation arrangements
  • Whether there are any concessions available for duty on property where beneficial ownership after a restructure or rollover has not changed
  • Whether interposing a holding company into a structure (ie. using a Division 615 rollover) triggers stamp duty if the original company or unit trust owns property
  • Practical examples

Presented By

Kimberley Barnes
Senior Associate, McInnes Wilson Brisbane, QLD

Kimberly completed her Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at Griffith University and was admitted as a solicitor in May 2016.

Kimberley specialises in the areas of commercial, taxation, succession planning and asset protection for individuals, trusts and companies.

As a dedicated solicitor, she has honed her skills to build a strong client rapport from the get-go and has developed excellent stakeholder relations both within and external to the firm. Kimberley has a passion for going the extra mile for her clients and prides herself on ensuring all T's are crossed and I's are dotted before wrapping up any project.

By using initiative, out of the box solutions and the ability to uniquely assess situations, Kimberley is able to provide end-to-end solutions for her clients in a timely, deadline focused manner.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for lawyers and accountants advising on stamp duty – Australia wide. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.

CPD Information

Accountants can claim up to 1 CPD hour. Lawyers can claim up to 1 CPD unit/point – substantive law. This webinar has been designed to run for 1 hour, however, webinar lengths can vary depending on the level of questions and discussion.

WA lawyers – Please note that TEN is unable to verify your completion of recorded webinars to the Legal Practice Board of WA. TEN is an accredited provider.

While TEN takes all reasonable care to include accurate and up-to-date information regarding CPD category classifications and compliance obligations, information regarding CPD point allocation are provided as a guide only. Allocation of CPD points is subject to the CPD requirements of your jurisdiction, personal circumstances and professional requirements. You are solely responsible for determining whether a particular product is appropriate for your CPD requirements.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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