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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Tax and Duties Update on Property Transactions: Keeping Ahead of the Curve (NSW)

Following the last State budget, significant amendments were made affecting the tax and duties arising from property law transactions. To help practitioners get across the changes, this session shall provide a general update on tax and duties affecting property transactions and di


About the Webinar

Following the last State budget, significant amendments were made affecting the tax and duties arising from property law transactions. To help practitioners get across the changes, this session shall provide a general update on tax and duties affecting property transactions and discuss practical issues relating specifically to:

  • Stamp duty - when is it payable, understanding the different triggers, the impact of duties on transfers
  • Land tax - when is it charged at the higher amount and discussion of exemption for rural land, meaning of ‘dominant purpose’ from the High Court’s Godolphin decision
  • Foreign purchasers - changes to thresholds and what new matters are now captured by the landholder duty

Presented By

Andrew Rider
Barrister, Level 22 Chambers Sydney, NSW

Andrew Rider is recognised in Doyle’s Guide as a leading Australian tax barrister specialising in tax litigation and dispute resolution.

Andrew also advises on Australia-wide taxes, including stamp duties, land tax and payroll tax.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Andrew was an Associate to Justice Michael Kirby and solicitor.

Andrew lectures in taxation law at the University of Sydney Law School, judges mooting competitions for the University of NSW and previously lectured in taxation law at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Andrew authors the national stamp duty section of the leading online service “Practical Guidance - Property Law” and edits the leading stamp duty publication “Australian Stamp Duties Law”.

Andrew is a Chartered Tax Adviser and examiner with The Tax Institute and member of The Tax Institute/Revenue NSW Liaison Committee and Dispute Resolution Technical Committee. Andrew is also a member of the NCAT Revenue List Consultative Forum.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for lawyers practising in property law in NSW. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.

CPD Information

Lawyers can claim up to 1 CPD unit/point – substantive law. This webinar has been designed to run for 1 hour, however, webinar lengths can vary depending on the level of questions and discussion.

While TEN takes all reasonable care to include accurate and up-to-date information regarding CPD category classifications and compliance obligations, information regarding CPD point allocation are provided as a guide only. Allocation of CPD points is subject to the CPD requirements of your jurisdiction, personal circumstances and professional requirements. You are solely responsible for determining whether a particular product is appropriate for your CPD requirements.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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