Steven Klimt joined Clayton Utz in 1986. Prior to being appointed a partner in 1993, he spent a year on secondment in New York with Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom.
Steven practises in two areas:
- major projects with an emphasis on IT procurements and services contracts; and
- retail banking and financial services regulations.
Steven's major projects practice covers issues relating to procurement strategies and contract structuring for government technology projects, contract administration, privacy issues, government tender process, drafting and project documentation and advising on technology in the context of procurements. He is a leading partner in our major projects team. He has significant experience advising numerous clients – in particular government clients – on major projects.
Steven's retail banking practice covers retail banking documentation, procedures, forms and systems, all legislation relevant to banking operations including the National Consumer Credit Protection legislation, the Personal Property Security legislation and reforms, anti-money laundering legislation, FSR, FTRA, and other anti-money laundering legislation, Banking Act, the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act, Code of Banking Practice and EFT Code of Conduct.