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Webinar Series

Keys to Reform: Unlocking Queensland’s Property Law Changes - 3 program on-demand series

Queensland's property law landscape is challenging, and with the most significant legislative reforms being introduced in decades, it has become even more complex. The implications of these changes present new challenges that demand a thorough understanding and strategic approach.

About the webinar series

Queensland's property law landscape is challenging, and with the most significant legislative reforms being introduced in decades, it has become even more complex. The implications of these changes present new challenges that demand a thorough understanding and strategic approach. TEN The Education Network’s three-part webinar series is designed to provide practical solutions to these pressing issues. In this series, leading experts will break down the significant property law reforms, addressing their impacts and potential pitfalls. Each session offers in-depth analysis and actionable insights to help you adapt to the new legal landscape. Dedicated sessions include the key changes introduced by the new Property Law Act, recent reforms to rules governing body corporates, as well as the role of instalment contracts under the new Property Law Act.

Training for as many staff as you want - no additional cost!

A single purchase entitles your company to access the on demand webinars online as you require them for as many training sessions and for as many staff as you want.

On demand webinars and technical materials

You will have access not only to the on demand webinars but also to the detailed technical materials prepared by members of the faculty for this series. 

What you get

This on demand webinar series includes the following components:

  • Online access to the on-demand webinar programs. Programs will average 1 hour each in length.
  • The programs are being recorded in September 2024 will be available to purchasers on demand in late September
  • Online access to the technical support papers and/or powerpoint presentations accompanying each program

The Programs

Program 1:  Out with the Old and In with the New: Queensland’s New Property Law Act

The Property Law Act has recently undergone significant changes, effectively rewriting the Act for the first time in decades. Understanding these changes and how they will impact property law and conveyancing is absolutely fundamental for any property lawyer in Queensland. To help practitioners understand how these momentous changes will change their daily property law practice, this session explores:

  • Key changes to the Act, including statutory seller disclosure scheme, easement covenant enforceability, changes to the limitation period for deeds
  • How the changes that raised concern during consultation have gone in practice in other jurisdictions, with a spotlight on the seller disclosure scheme
  • Key issues which may impact compliance, including changes to forms, precedents and procedures e.g. notice to remedy breach

Program 2: Changes to the BCCM Act: Reshaping Bodies Corporate in Queensland

The BCCM Amendment Act 2023 has made significant changes to the BCCM Act rules governing body corporate committees. The changes raise a number of legal and practical issues when it comes to the advice to be provided to clients as they require specific steps to be taken to give effect to the reforms. To breakdown exactly how the new BCCM Act may impact body corporates and other stakeholders, this session explores the reforms, including changes to the following key areas:

  • Termination of uneconomic community titles schemes:
    • Understanding the new process and preparing a pre-termination report
    • What must be included in the termination plan
    • Notices and prescribed time periods
    • What if a lot owner disagrees with the motion?
  • Alternative insurance arrangements
  • Protection against second-hand smoke in community titles schemes
  • Animal keeping regulations
  • Enhanced enforcement mechanisms and governance practices

Program 3: Instalment Contracts Under the New Property Law Act: Traps for the Unwary

With property prices continuing to rise, never before have instalment contracts been so needed. In Queensland, practitioners have traditionally shied away from instalment contracts because of the significant issues they raised. However, all this is set to change with the recent amendments to the Property Law Act. To help practitioners prepare for these changes, this session explores:

  • The issues which had previously existed with instalments contracts, and how these have been dealt with in the new Property Law Act - definition of instalment, process to prevent inadvertent creation of instalment contract
  • Spotlight on buyer’s protections
  • The effects of creating an instalment contract in the new system, options for alternatives and the practical issues which can arise when dealing with instalment contracts and drafting clauses
  • Dodging the traps and pitfalls of instalment contracts – what to look out for when advising buyers and sellers

Presented By

Laura Gahan
Partner, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers Brisbane, Qld
Peter Mills
Consulting Principal, Keypoint Law Brisbane, Qld
Roland Taylor
Lawyer, Brisbane, Qld

Special Offer

This series will be marketed for $660 when it is released.

If you purchase the series by 30/9/24 you will pay only $495 – a saving of $195.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team on (03) 8601 7700 or email: [email protected]

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